Patient safety dashboard number three has now been released, looking at trends over time within a particular organisation. You can see all the info given by the NPSA from the NRLS, including median time to report, a breakdown of incident categories, and track the reporting rate too. As per all the dashboards, check my original post for caveats and links to further notes on the data.
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Patient Safety Dashboard 3 : Organisation
What’s next? Well I’ve now released dashboards looking at the broad spectrum of NRLS data, from a comparison between national clusters down to individual trusts and services. There will be one final NRLS dashboard, looking at more left-field ideas such as what the geographical distribution of incidents is, and whether Trusts which don’t report many low-harm incidents are still good at reporting the more serious ones. After that I intend to move onto to some non-patient safety info, and then some other NHS-related data including clinical negligence claims (there’re some big financial values floating around in those data!). Keep any eye on the blog by subscribing to the mailing list (signup to the right of this post), to the RSS feed, or by following me on twitter – @hwwilliams