The weekend before last I ran off to Snowdonia. Several parts of the Internets told me that there was snow, and a good forecast for the Saturday morning. I got up at 06:30, excited at the thought of a lovely snowy ridge run under blue skies.

The Internet is a Liar

Written by Haydn Williams

The weekend before last I ran off to Snowdonia. Several parts of the Internets told me that there was snow, and a good forecast for the Saturday morning. I got up at 06:30, excited at the thought of a lovely snowy ridge run under blue skies.

Looking good!
Looking good!

The Internet is a liar.

Bad internet! Naughty internet! © Haydn Williams 2014
Bad internet! Naughty internet! © Haydn Williams 2014

Yes, the cloud was down to a very low level. I wandered up to the top of Tryfan, where the snow was minimal at best, but I at least got to stretch my legs. Alas, I’m not sure I’ll believe the internet again for a while.

Not much of a view from the summit of Tryfan. © Haydn Williams 2014
Not much of a view from the summit of Tryfan. © Haydn Williams 2014

Still, it was good to have a clamber around, and lovely and quiet first thing. Fingers crossed for some blue sky soon!