I’ve just (January 2021) found this post saved as a draft from April 2019, with no clear reason why it wasn’t ever finished or posted. It’s from a backpacking trip in the Rhinogydd, undertaken back when we could actually meet other people.
We started with a traverse of Rhinog Fawr, including the fun / steep / rocky gully descent.
After also ambling up and over Rhinog Fach we made our way to camp for the night. This was in the shadow of a hunting lodge (still in use and firmly locked up, so no surprise luxurious accommodation for us!).
The walk out the following morning took us through some old quarry workings with associated dark-and-dank buildings.
There followed what was possibly the most awkward tussocky marsh ground I’ve ever experienced (and I’ve done lots of mountain marathons!), eventually intersecting a bridleway and some easier going. All that remained was to forge our way across a tiny dam and through some forestry.