It’s now ten years since I started writing this blog, so I thought I should acknowledge the fact via some kind of summary. Quite a lot has happened in that time, although much remains the same. I don’t really remember why I begin blogging, but it’s turned out to be quite a useful way of reminding myself what I’ve been up to over the years. When I started there were a lot more gigs and photography trips, and no running or mountain biking. Reviewing individual posts while writing this one has also been an interesting exercise – I had a comment in 2008 from someone who I now know entirely separately through running, and I’ve had helpful feedback in the comments about the direction of my writing (“This post got dangerously close to becoming a photography post as opposed to a climbing post.” – Jamie B, 2008)
The first couple of posts were about a snowy walk in the Lake District and a Biffy Clyro gig. I did my first lead climb, and joined MPS, then did my first winter climb and fell off Kinder Downfall. We bought a house. The idea of ticking UNESCO and scrambling lists seemed good, but I’m not sure I’ll ever finish either! I didn’t run a long way, and I did run a long way (proud of that one!). I raced a train, and wrote some fairly niche software.

© Gareth Moore 2008
It’s hard to pick favourite posts, but here’s a selection…
- A Short Walk with Brannock
- Haydn’s Gone to Iceland
- Dolomites 2016
- Well I neve
- Ljubljana grafitti
- Going Clubbing
- Budapest
- Kernow
- Storm chasing
- Expedition 2012 report
- Paris
- Kiss My Book
Obviously the recurring theme in all of those – and indeed all of the other exciting escapades recorded herein – is “fun with other people”, so thanks to everyone who’s helped facilitate any adventures at any point in the now-not-so-short history of this blog. So that’s that. Here’s to another ten years.