Four inches of fresh snow greeted us yesterday when we woke, and it kept falling until mid-morning. Leicestershire County Council obviously assumed we all fancied a day off work, as they systematically failed to grit anywhere between our house and Loughborough or Nottingham. This meant the village was an ice rink and Becs on her bike was the fastest vehicle on the A60 before 9am!

Last night we walked Tess around Prestwold Hall at sunset, with fog patches starting to appear in the valley floors. I went for a run shortly afterwards, taking advantage of the snow to enhance the light a little.

My usual mid-week training run is a 9km loop around agricultural land and the grounds of the Hall. Last night it was bright enough for me to go without my headtorch for most of it, and the going was good where farm vehicles had broken trail. The patches of mist were noticeably colder than their surroundings, but coming up Mere Hill everything cleared up and the moon finally made an appearance. The less well-trodden sections of path were hard work, but it was a lovely night – and nice to get back without being covered in mud!