I’m bust. Or at least, I have been bust until recently. My achilles started playing up on a normal training run after a successful Belvoir Challenge, so I took a couple of weeks off and then promptly angered it again with a trip around Cannock on my bike.


Written by Haydn Williams

I’m bust. Or at least, I have been bust until recently.

Bust. This isn't me, it's Thucydides (born 460 BC).
Bust. This isn’t me, it’s Thucydides (born 460 BC).

My achilles started playing up on a normal training run after a successful Belvoir Challenge, so I took a couple of weeks off and then promptly angered it again with a trip around Cannock on my bike. My physio singularly failed to provoke any kind of reaction which suggested anything serious, and so after another four weeks of barely doing anything I’m back on the wagon. On Saturday I managed a whole ten minutes of running, with a five-minute break in the middle. I got over-excited and broke out a 7:50min mile at one point!

Back on the wagon. For ten minutes, anyway. © Haydn Williams 2014
Back on the wagon. For ten minutes, anyway. © Haydn Williams 2014

It was nice to get back out again, and with no repercussions it looks like I should be able to start getting back up to speed again now.