Back to Sheffield last night, to see Mike TV and Zolof the Rock & Roll Destroyer at Corporation. Despite a pretty poor turnout and a rather quiet crowd, I thought both bands were really good. There seems to be a real sense of apathy with regards to people going to gigs at the moment. I had the same experience last week with My Awesome Compilation in Derby; the crowd consisted of one of the support acts, me, and five other people. These are reasonable sized bands who I know have decent followings, and yet no-one’s coming out to see them. It’s a poor show, and makes you reflect on the fact that so many decent UK bands have called it quits in the last eighteen months.
Anyway, putting the tidings of doom for the UK scene to one side, I had a great night. Mike TV played a load of new stuff, with a few old (Pickled Dick) tracks in there too. The lighting was pretty awful for both Mike TV and Zolof, but I got a few decent shots.
It was the second time I’ve seen Zolof, and I had a bit more room than last time (when I shot from the crowd at a Motion City Soundtrack gig). Like Mike TV before them, they had a good mix of stuff from the current album and older releases, including one of my favourite tracks ever in the history of the world, ‘Moment’. Shooting wise, I stuck mostly to the Sigma 70-200mm f2.8, used from the back of the room. There weren’t many people there, so I had plenty of room to shoot between heads in the ‘crowd’. To top it all off, I’ve just found out that Zolof are playing in Leeds in June, with the always-awesome Failsafe! Brilliant!