Rhinogydd Ramble

Written by Haydn Williams

I’ve just (January 2021) found this post saved as a draft from April 2019, with no clear reason why it wasn’t ever finished or posted. It’s from a backpacking trip in the Rhinogydd, undertaken back when we could actually meet other people.

We started with a traverse of Rhinog Fawr, including the fun / steep / rocky gully descent.

I’ve recently heard that there is an easier / faster / less steep way off Rhinog Fawr. But is it as much fun?!
© Haydn Williams 2019

After also ambling up and over Rhinog Fach we made our way to camp for the night. This was in the shadow of a hunting lodge (still in use and firmly locked up, so no surprise luxurious accommodation for us!).

Tent city.
© Haydn Williams 2019

Looking west across the boggy wasteland!
© Haydn Williams 2019

The walk out the following morning took us through some old quarry workings with associated dark-and-dank buildings.

Overwhelming sensory input at the point of taking this photo: the smell of goat.
© Haydn Williams 2019

There followed what was possibly the most awkward tussocky marsh ground I’ve ever experienced (and I’ve done lots of mountain marathons!), eventually intersecting a bridleway and some easier going. All that remained was to forge our way across a tiny dam and through some forestry.

Pipe sending supplies from the golden syrup mines of North Wales to the cities of Liverpool and Manchester. Or possibly just something hydroelectric.
© Haydn Williams 2019