Tryvan Bach

Written by Haydn Williams

A couple of weeks ago James and I spent the day climbing on Tryfan Bach. But never mind that, he’s only gone and bought a climbing van!!

More car-related shenanigans meant another trip to my parents’, and it would have been rude not to go out somewhere. We spent a very pleasant day on Tryfan Bach, helped by the fact that it wasn’t particularly busy. I got over-confident and tried to run the three-pitch Little Tryfan Arete (Diff, ***) into a single pitch, but had to abandon that plan and scuttle off to easier ground when I realised I’d run out of QDs.

James setting up a belay somewhere on Tryfan Bach. Copyright Haydn Williams 2010
James setting up a belay somewhere on Tryfan Bach. Copyright Haydn Williams 2010

Anyway, the big news is James’ van. It a massive posh Merc, and he’s already boarded the back out. He reckons it’s for work, but I can see through his thinly-veiled excuses. All it needs now is a vent in the roof and maybe a side window and it’ll be awesome for climbing weekends! Fans of the faithful old L200 truck needn’t worry though – apparently there are no plans to get rid of that just yet (it’s incredibly useful in winter when everything else gets stuck!).

The new van gets its first taste of Snowdonia. Copyright Haydn Williams 2010
The new van gets its first taste of Snowdonia. Copyright Haydn Williams 2010

As we left the crag at the end of the day we tried to think up a name for the new van. Despite some sterling suggestions, nothing quite seemed to fit. However, when we got back to the layby James rightfully pointed out that it already had a name…

That settles it - the van's called Ewan. Copyright Haydn Williams 2010
That settles it - the van's called Ewan. Copyright Haydn Williams 2010

So, after our first rock day of the year, we toddled off home. Here’s to plenty of future adventures with Uan…