UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Written by Haydn Williams

Over the past few years I seem to have accidentally ended up at quite a few UNESCO World Heritage sites. As usual with things like this, I can’t resist making a list and trying to tick off the rest! UNESCO specify each site as being CulturalNatural or Mixed – the plan was originally to do only the Natural ones, but that seems like cheating. Plus, the Cultural ones must be reasonably interesting to get WH status, so they’re probably worth taking a look at anyway. Here’s the full UK list to start. I’ll let you work out the colour scheme as to which ones I’ve visited and which I haven’t.

Looks like I’ll have to suffer a trip to Bermuda at some point. I’ll be honest, the one that’s worrying me most is “Gough and Inaccessible Islands” – to get an idea of why they’re called the Inaccessible Islands, check out this Google Map (you’ll probably need to zoom out. A lot.):

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Strangely, I seem to have racked up as many globally as in the UK [2020 UPDATE: global count has now exceeded the UK!], the list so far being:

You can view any blog posts with the UNESCO keyword by clicking here. Both nationally and internationally I’ve not included ones I’ve been past but not into (primarily cultural ones such as Mont-Saint-Michel). Annoyingly, it seems I was within a few miles of one in Andorra several years back, but was blissfully unaware at the time! UNESCO have their own interactive map, which is quite good. Anyway, I’ll update this page as we go along…

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