What a twitterer

Written by Haydn Williams

The observant amongst you will have noticed that a new section has appeared on the right-hand side of my blog: Tweets. I’ve finally decided to join a site which, up to a few days ago, I’d classed as one of the most pointless aspects of the internet to date. I then read something interesting relating to work, and discovered that I may well have a use for Twitter after all. I often see things on the internet or pick up little snippets of information which I think are interesting enough to post on this blog, but not necessarily enough in themselves to warrant an entire post. This is where Twitter comes in. I’m not proud about what I’ve done; it’s just a tool.

"What's happening?" - I'm asking myself that very question.
"What's happening?" - I'm asking myself that very question.

I’ll be using it to highlight nuggets of fun / interesting / intellectual stuff from around the internet and life in general. These will then pop up nicely on the main page of the blog for you to glance at next time you’re passing. I haven’t activated Twitter on my phone, my email account, or wired it into my eyeballs, and I absolutely will not be tweeting things like:

  • Just woken up. Lol.”
  • Having breakfast. Lol.
  • Just seen a pigeon. ROFL
  • etc, etc.

So that’s it really. If you absolutely must, you can follow my feed at http://www.twitter.com/hwwilliams, but I’d recommend just keeping an eye on it through the blog. There’s less chance of you becoming infected that way. Alternatively, you can bookmark the RSS feed for my Twitter thing (account? feed? notices? tweets? I’m too old to know the right word for this), which lives here.

1 thought on “What a twitterer

  1. Gaz says:

    OMG! Did you really see a pigeon?

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